Webinar: #Stand4Humanity #NoDeathPenalty

- in Città per la Vita

On the occasion of November 30, 2020, with more conviction than ever, the Community of Sant’Egidio promotes the world day “Cities for Life, Cities against the Death Penalty”. The current global health crisis cannot and must not turn into a human rights crisis, nor does it weaken our commitment to abolish capital punishment.

Join the Webinar: #stand4humanity #nodeathpenalty

5.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
(GMT +1)

With experts, activists, witnesses, and civil society representatives from Asia, Europe and North America. The event will end with a special enlightenment of the Coliseum, symbol of the global campaign against death penalty.

To join the event you will need a computer, smartphone, or tablet and a solid internet connection. For smartphones and tablets, the Zoom app is available in the app store of your choice and tech specifications can be found here. For desktop computer specifications, click here. Make sure you download or update the most up to date version of Zoom prior the start of the webinar. We also suggest having a strong internet connection so the video does not buffer. Zoom suggest you have at least 2 MPBS upload and download speed from your internet service provider.

Following your registration, you will be able to receive useful webinar materials at your e-mail address together with your personal and interactive badge – with links you can click on, to easily connect to the event on the web and social.
Feel free to share your badge with your network.

speakers webinar