- Because it bends down the State and the society to the level of the killer
- Because no statistic proves that capital punishment is a deterrent to major crimes
- Because too many times it affects innocent people who cannot defend themselves
- Because there is no justice system in the world so perfect that cannot be mistaken
- Because it affects minorities, racial, social, ethnic and religious, in an uneven way
- Because there is no ratio between the number of execution and the number of offences
- Because capital punishment does no make the world better, but it adds death to death
- Because it creates orphans and widows and pain amongst the relatives of the one being executed
- Because it gives the false hope to the victim’s relatives that, through the revenge on the presumed perpetrator, there will be the healing of pain and hate. This is never true
- Because it legitimates at the highest level, that of the State, a culture of death and not of life
- Because it expresses the failure of a society that discards seeing in each person, even in the guilty one, a human being
- Because there is premeditation and use of science in killing, which is comparable to the craziest murderer
- Because in many countries in the world, it affects the weakest: mental handicapped and kids
- Because there is always an alternative method to guarantee security for all
- Because it makes us all co-responsible for a death, which is given also on our behalf
- Because in democratic regimes, it is more expensive than imprisonment. It absorbs resources that could be useful for humanizing judicial system and prisons
- Because life is sacred
- Because never, for no reason, can we become like the worse murderer
- Because there is a torture that goes together with the sentence, which cannot be eliminated: it means dying ten, hundred, thousand times even before being executed