Lisa Montgomery, scheduled execution on January 12, 2021

Lisa Montgomery, 53 years old. Her execution was rescheduled for January 12, 2021
At present Lisa is in a detention health center in Forth Worth, Texas.
Today, federal authorities reject any evidence and appeal in defense of Lisa.
While being close to those who continue to suffer because of an unjust and hateful crime, we are very much aware that there will be no healing by killing another human being, an extremely fragile woman. There is no justice without life. Facing the greatest evil there is no justice without taking the reasons of mercy into account.
We ask those who can decide on life or death to stop and consider, as is increasingly happening in the world, every available alternative measure of justice and clemency.
Lisa Montgomery is now 53 years old. She was sentenced to death for the ferocious murder of an eight month pregnant woman, and kidnapping her unborn baby. The little girl survived and is now 16 years old.
Lisa has always suffered from unresolved mental disorders and repeated sexual abuse in her family since childhood. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, the last woman to be executed by the federal government was Bonnie Heady, killed in the gas chamber in 1953.
More than 1,000 lawyers have signed letters urging Donald Trump to commute Lisa’s death sentence to life imprisonment, referring to her diagnosis of serious mental illness.
“Readers often confuse clemency with pardon in death penalty cases,” says Sandra Babcock, a clinical professor of law at Cornell Law School and faculty director of the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide, who is working to delay Montgomery’s execution so her lawyers can present a clemency petition. “We are not asking that she be absolved of guilt. What we’re asking is that she be extended mercy,” she added. Lisa’s execution is presently rescheduled for January 12, 2021 because her lawyers contracted Covid-19. They hope to present the elements for evidence and grounds for appeal in Lisa’s defense. Lisa would be the first woman in 67 years to be executed by the federal government.